Sorry for the light posting, but things here have been a little strange....ever since the Big Rat Escape, in fact! I guess having a rat wake you up by crawling across your face just does something to your mind... I guess I could just attribute my writers block to P.T.R.S.* Syndromes of all sorts seem to work for Democrats, might as well join the bandwagon!
The one on the left was just getting off my face when I woke up...and those are just "the girls". Dumpling and Cecelie.
Here are "the boys", Misha and Slagle:
I'm ALMOST used to Misha:
If you EVER go to a pet store and your wife looks at rats and starts cooing "aren't they soooo Cuuuute"? RUN like hell!
*Post Traumatic Rat Syndrome....
Well, considering I have 4 cats that prowl the house at night, I'm willing to bet that those rats would stay put in their cage.
Posted by: elliott at February 14, 2005 08:16 PM