April 06, 2005

Liberalism in Academia

Here IS a MUST READ for those that stil believe that College campi are a bastion of free thought and debate.

Here is just a taste:

"The long term perspective of this is rather disturbing. In issue after issue, the liberal college professor is very critical of America and the values that it stands for. I have heard American college professors tell me – or students – that we cannot say whether our way of government is better than what they had in, e.g., Iraq under Saddam Hussein. This goes hand-in-hand with the Euro-phoria that many campus liberals are caught up in: American government, American way of life, is liable to all sorts of criticism, while much of the rest of the world gets a free pass."

This Liberal indoctrination of our best and brightest bodes ill for our country in the coming years; we can only trust that these young people will come to see the fallacies presented to them by these ultra Libs as what they are, FALLACIES, and rebel against the Academic Liberal Orthodoxy in the end.

Posted by Delftsman3 at April 6, 2005 09:10 PM

Where are all these liberal professors of whom you speak? In my time spent lurking round the halls of academia, I have yet to hear a professor say, "You can think . . . " or "You can't question . . . " This meme of the massively powerful liberal establishment browbeating the poor defenseless conservative is complete nonsense. The academic world has to take its begging bowl to the government (e.g., gov.-sponsored think-tanks, etc.) to get funding for just about everything. The only reason they don't spout a completely pro-government "patriotic" line is that there are still professors who believe in what they do and feel they need to remain independent (to at least some limited degree) of their government and corporate sponsors. The conservatives, having married the forces of government and business, would now like to see every last bastion of independence swept up into the vortex. Of course academics don't agree with the commentators on Fox news. The Fox news blokes are crass propagandists pandering to the converted. That isn't was the academic community is supposed to do.

Posted by: Karlo at April 7, 2005 08:37 PM

I have yet to hear a professor say, "You can think . . . " or "You can't question . .

Tell you what Karlo, next time you have a Liberal Professor, switch papers for the class with a conservative friend that cogently argues the opposite side from the Professor and write your paper in only a so-so manner (not badly, but not what you would consider your best effort), but agreeing with the professor and see what grades you both get. I believe that the results just might open your eyes a little.

Posted by: delftsman3 at April 10, 2005 06:56 PM

For one thing, I don't know if I've ever had to write a paper that was openly ideological--although I suppose ideology could be sussed out by reading through the lines. Of course, a biology teacher assigning a report on evolution might be a bit disappointed in a report that ignored the question and simply provided a summary of Genesis. Likewise, reports in which the writer openly demonstrates a bias associated with group identity won't receive a good grade since it doesn't conform to academic standards. Theory's aren't supposed to change according to which side of a border you stand on. But that's just the way academic research is conducted. If someone doesn't like it, they can go watch Fox. The don't belong in the hallowed halls of academia.

Posted by: Karlo at April 13, 2005 05:46 PM
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