May 18, 2005

Is Mike Crook Dead?

Linda atSomething, and Half of Something has the scoop on a story about Michael Crook, the blogger alleged to be behind the disgusting site, Forsake the Troops.

It was alleged on the site that Mr. Crook had been severely beaten by two supposed members of the military for his inflamatory rhetoric against those that serve in the United States Armed Forces, and that he later died of those injuries.
The site was shut down to "prevent furthur violence against those that would speak the truth about the military".

Only problem is that the local police don't know anything about it....It appears that Michael is playing another one of his attention gathering games. I don't wish harm to any human being...but in Michaels case, I think I would be willing to make an exception. He has earned any approbation he receives through the dint of his own putrid actions.

HERE is the Marine Corps response via the Marine Times.

Posted by Delftsman3 at May 18, 2005 05:11 AM


Posted by: USAUSAUSA at June 30, 2005 06:12 PM

He better stay hiding and shut his little whiney mouth because eventually he will say that shit to the wrong person and they will kill him if he isn't allready dead, because i come from a long military family and they all did it for the same reasons and that is because they love the USA and they loved protecting our freedom and i have been doing this for the last 12yrs and i wouldn't change a thing but i realy hate people like Michael Crook or whatever his name is because they realy need to be shot on a firing squad by us Marines.

Posted by: U.S. Marine Camp Pendleton Ca at August 10, 2005 08:58 PM
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