Yes, the Israelis are racist towards Arabs...So much so, Arabs now comprise the largest single constituant group of the Israeli Labor Party. Maybe Amnesty International will have to cite them for cruelty, having so many Arabs in a Socialist government faction, after all, where is the diversity in that? Arabs serving in a Jewish countries government...I thought that Jews treated Arabs as slaves and/or victoms of genocidal actions.
I'm sure that all the Arabic countries in the ME would have a more egalitarian view. SURELY they would like to have jews participating in every facet of their political stewardships....Funny thing that; seems they have this view that only Arabs, and MUSLIM Arabs at that, have any chance of entering government service. In most of them, you also have to be the CORRECT kind of Muslim. Woe to you if your a Sunni in a Shia controlled area, or vice versa. If you happen to Arab and Christian...well you ARE considered one step up from a Jew in the pecking order...realistically, that means that you'll be tortured second in any pogrom, gives you a little time to observe just what is in store for you.
Yep! The Jews are the racists, for sure!