June 10, 2005

NHS: Beginning of the End?

On June 9, the Canadian Supreme Court paved the way to allow individuals to obtain private health insurance. This may be the first break that destroys the Socialist dam.

I have had an ongoing dicussion with a number of individuals of the opposite political spectrum on the topic of Socialized Medicine, and Canada was often offered up as the example that we should follow. I tried to inform them that such a system invariably resulted in a lessoning of quality, and as noted in the story, the CSC AGREES with me, to wit: "Despite this, governments are unable to provide timely tests and treatment to many patients, resulting in suffering and death"

Whenever you get Government involved in what are essentially private sector areas, service always suffers. The more they become involved, the greater the loss. The Candians have finally come to realize that this is just a fact of life.
The ultimate direction they will take still remains to be seen, but I feel that this ruling is my opportunity to indulge in a minor gloat and say "I TOLD you so".
This would have occurred much sooner, had the NHS not had the neighbor to the south providing a safety valve for their system. But eventually, as it always happens, the chickens have come home to roost and they must be attended to.

We certainly have many problems with health care here in the US too, that can't be denied, BUT, we still have the highest level of service for the greatest number of people any health care system in the world.

Government intervention in health care is one reason for high costs...have you EVER seen a bureucratic system that didn't generate inordinate amounts of red tape paperwork, adding to costs and diverting personell from their primary task to (mostly) needless paperwork?

The largest problem with our health care system has nothing to do directly with medical care at all, but the need to "CYA" in an ultra-litiginous society. Tort reform would do more to lower the cost of health care than any other action. Reform in the way Insurance companies assess premiums should be examined and evaluated as well, all to often the insurred pay for projects the companies engage in that have nothing to do with health care.

Some streamlining in the area of medical research and bringing the products of same to the market would help also. Yes, testing need to be done to ensure safety and efficacy, but the present system is rife with built in cost ineffencies, leading to multiple increases in costs above where it is possible for them to be.

Last, but not least, reforming our tax system can help free up large amounts of private and public funds that could help drive down costs through competition. FAIR TAX NOW!

Posted by Delftsman3 at June 10, 2005 08:56 PM
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