August 17, 2005

9/11 Tribute

Now HERE is a fitting tribute to those that were lost on 9/11.

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I find it apt that metal from the worst man-made disaster in US history will become part of the force being used against the authors of that disaster.

To the USS New York: you have a proud mission and an obligation to fullfill it with the same honor and valor displayed by the inhabitants of your namesake.

Posted by Delftsman3 at August 17, 2005 06:38 PM | TrackBack

I wouldn't give one molecule to those idiots that want to make that tragic site into an international peace symbol, that would be paying homage to the scum that perpetrated those acts. If they want they can hold acts of self immolation as atonement for their stupidity.

Posted by: Jack at August 18, 2005 01:50 PM
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