1. You can get arrested for growing plants, but not for smoking them.
2. You can make jokes about the Belgians and still drink their beer.
3. You can legally kill yourself
4. You're exactly like the Germans, except that nobody hates you.
5. You think you are a world power, but everyone else thinks Copenhagen is your capital.....
6. You get to insult people and defend yourself by saying it's a national tradition.
7. You can put your finger in a dyke and it will save your country
8. You live in the most densely populated country in Europe, and still you've never seen your neighbours.
9. If the economy is bad, blame the Germans. If a war is started, blame the Germans. If you lose your keys, blame the Germans.
10. Bikes are public property. Locks are a challenge.
Posted by Delftsman3 at September 13, 2005 07:22 PM | TrackBackAlso, you get to wear those cool wooden shoes.
Posted by: Woody at September 14, 2005 01:16 PMPomoze Bog.
You get to expectorate in polite society just by pronouncing the letter "g".
Your Royal Family only makes headlines in the Politics section of the newspaper.
You have the largest government drug-addiction hospice in the free world. It's called Amsterdam.
With Respect and Humor,
Tsar Lazar
Any time you want more land, you don't have to start a war and take it--you just dam up more of the North Sea.
You don't have to import tulips from Holland.
You can charge more for etchings of windmills.
Your vote in the U.N. counts as much as that of the U.S. for less than a tenth of the population.
You don't have to care what is said by Jane Fonda, John Kerry, or Michael Moore. (As if I did.)
You never lose any money betting on the Super Bowl.