December 07, 2005

Two New Finds

Please welcome two new additions to the Blogroll in the LC catagory:
Appalachian Gun Trash, and A Room With A view

The Room with a view belongs to the mother of one of the best LC's I have had the privilage to meet, the Humble Devildog, known to his friends as "AJ". AJ credits his (CONSIDERABLE)debating abilities to his mother, and now she's bringing her views to the blogosphere; I'm certain that she will make a fine addition to the conversation. Just be sure to be polite when you visit...AJ doesn't take kindly to those that cause trouble to his familiy or friends, and as an inactive Marine, he's MORE than capable of exhibiting his displeasure in a manner that you would be certain to find HIGHLY uncomfortable.

As for "Appalachian Gun Trash", it was a serendipitous find by Mamamontezz, who passed it along to HAVE to like a guy who quotes Luke 11:21 on his side bar: "When a strong man, fully armed, guards his palace, his possessions are safe.” ~Jesus Christ~

And a retired AF veteran....

That is a man that I'm sure I can respect, and reading some of his posts only confirms me in that opinion. He lives in eastern Kentucky, so who knows, perhaps some day I'll have the pleasure of meeting him in person.

Posted by Delftsman3 at December 7, 2005 02:48 AM | TrackBack

Well thank you, D-Man for those kind words. I've done likewise and put you in my blogroll.

Een goede dag verder!

Posted by: Gun Trash at December 7, 2005 01:20 PM

Thank you Deltfsman3 for the kind words, for your visits to my site and for the link. I've added you to my (short, but growing) blogroll as well.

Posted by: grandma_jo at December 8, 2005 06:45 PM
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