June 26, 2006

R.I.P. to one of the Greats

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Rob "Acidman" Smith 1952-2006

One of my mentors has passed away.

Rob Smith, aka the Acidman was found dead at 0200 hrs. this morning.

I hope that he has finally found the peace that he so richly deserved. He had his demons, but he gave them the good fight. He was always there for his friends. No more can be asked of any man.

Samantha, your dad was one of a kind, and he will be sorely missed, by friend and foe alike. He never compromised, he never gave less than his all, and there will be tears for him from all across the blogosphere.

Posted by Delftsman3 at June 26, 2006 03:44 PM | TrackBack

Spot on Bert, he was one of a kind and one of the first blogs I visited.

Posted by: Jack at June 26, 2006 04:49 PM

He was a good friend Bert. I will miss him..hell, I miss him already.

Posted by: GUYK at June 26, 2006 05:18 PM

I am so sad about this, he will be missed. damn this makes my heart hurt to hear this news.

Posted by: Wild Thing at June 27, 2006 09:52 AM

My condolences, my friend.

Posted by: Kiril, The Mad Macedonian at June 28, 2006 02:55 AM
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