April 10, 2005


Mamamontezz has put up a thought-provoking Poem on the situation in Georgia involving yet another victom of the judicial system. Follow the links, get angry, and put out your thoughts on this travesty.

In short, we have an elderly woman with a medical problem, not currently life threatening, who has a living will that states she wishes to be cared for, but has been placed in Hospice without the benifit of a feeding tube or hydration, because her "oh so loving" grand-daughter feels that it's time for "her to go to Jesus". The patients closest living relatives (a brother and sister) objected, so the grand-daughter got a judge to grant her guardianship (in a manner patently against Georgia state law) to allow her to continue the starvation/dehydration course that she set for her Grandmother. Mind you, this woman is NOT comotose, does NOT have a life threatening illness (other than the treatment her "guardian" imposes), AND has a living will stating that she wishes food and water unless she becomes vegatative. Yet the Judge (without a law degree, or seemingly, any knowledge of Georgia law) sides with the person who wishes to starve this woman to death.

Terri Schiavo was just the start down that slippery slope, it seems that the Judiciary wants to accelerate our progress down that slope at an ever faster pace. The first caqse is always the hardest....now there is precedent to quicken the descent....May God have mercy on us all, for we are definately not showing it to each other.

Posted by Delftsman3 at April 10, 2005 12:26 AM
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