April 10, 2005

One Soldier's Opinion

Here is an open letter from one of our soldiers in Iraq to the oh so brave antiwar protesters at Ohio University.

Marc Fencil is one of many examples that we have reason to be proud of the young men serving in the military forces. If you want to give him an "attaboy", you can e-mail him at : marc.fencil@ohiou.edu. Be warned though, if you use that address to slander Marc or his compatriots, I will hunt you down like the dog you are.

Posted by Delftsman3 at April 10, 2005 02:43 AM


We are all proud of you and your fellow Marines and Soldiers who fight beside you in Iraq. Thank you for telling it as it is. The creeps in our society are fed by the extreme left wing types who have been around since the 1920s. They are just being allowed to get away with their disgusting antics, of late.
Keep up the good work, son. You deserve all the good in world, for being dedicated to the freedom of mankind, and you are willing to lay down your life for your fellow man (and woman).

God Bless You.
We pray for your safety and your fellow Marines and Soldiers, too.

Bill Mitchell, in San Diego

Posted by: Bill at April 24, 2005 03:07 PM
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