April 10, 2005

Some Random Thoughts

When in the course of human events..... so begins one most important documents in world history... It put forth a truly novel idea, that all people had rights, just by virtue of existing. It stated that these rights were endowed to us by the creator of the universe. (Yes, contrary to what some revisionists would have you believe, every one of the Founding Fathers DID believe in a Supreme Deity, although they did not agree on many forms of how to regard it)

This was the most revolutionary idea they espoused. That people naturally had the right to exist, be free, and to be allowed to pursue that which made them happy. That these rights were a part of existance, not granted by a government or priesthood.

Too many people today seem to have forgotten this idea; looking to government to provide for their every need, or even wish, they may have. Today we have a Judiciary that seems all too eager to deprive the sick and/or elderly, and the yet unborn, to that basic right of life. We have people of all political persuasions trying to enforce their ideas on the general populace. (I believe mostly from the Left, no doubt those on the Left think it's mostly a desire of the Right) Whichever side it originates from, our freedom is constantly under assault from those who feel "they know better". This makes "the pursuit of happiness" an almost meaningless phrase.

I believe that it may be time for a second American Revolution. Hopefully, a bloodless one; where we reassert the principles that we were founded on.
We need to re-educate our young to our real history, with all it's blemishes, and all its noble ideals. The PC founded crap they teach now is nothing more than indoctrination to Group-think socialism. Don't think so? They started earlier in Europe, look to see what the results are there. Stagnant, or falling, economies, tax rates that in some cases approach 80-90%, innovation stifled by beaucracy that our government wonks can only dream of. Name the good or service, and it is controlled by some government board or other, in regard to it's delivery, cost, and materials used, and woe to he that tries to break out of the mold.

Yes, there is universal health care....if you can survive the wait long enough to be treated, and treatments decided by government fiat, not by health care professionals. Doctors are nothing more than skilled professionals on the level of good plumbers or electricians. Innovation in medicine is frowned upon...after all, "that isn't the way we've always done it". Ever wonder WHY almost 90% of all new treatments and drugs come from America? Just look to Universal Health Care and the attitude it engenders, and you will have your answer.

The Left must come to realize that real freedom requires real personal responsibility. It sounds nice that we are our brothers keeper, and, spiritually, I believe we are, but trying to provide a total "safety net" that allows no one to utterly fail, in the end, also allows no one to succeed to their full potential, and in the end, leads to tyranny over all.

The Right also has to learn that we must be allowed the freedom to fail; and that government is best that governs least. We can not legislate morality, we can only instill it in the education of our young from the beginning of their academic careers. The Right has abdicated education to the so-called "experts" of the NEA, and in doing so, has sown the seeds of the destruction of the republic.

The single greatest force for the ultimate downfall of our Republic is the ACLU and their compatriot activist judges that have forgotten that is NOT their job to write the law, their only job is to apply the law equally to all. Remember people, the phrase is freedom OF religion, NOT freedom FROM religion. The ACLU has taken their anti-religion crusade to the ultimate idiotic extremes. I am not an adherent to any particular religious way, but I have to acknowledge that exposure to religion in many forms in my youth ultimately led to my moral sense of self, and I suspect that is the case for many of my generation and earlier. We may not follow the forms, but the basic philosophy was incultated in us from an early age. Looking at the activities and proclivities of many of the young, I have to say that I feel sorry that they didn't have the same sense of the spiritual exposed to them. I don't think that Columbine and some of the other recent incidents would have happened had that happened.

Posted by Delftsman3 at April 10, 2005 12:57 AM
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