April 16, 2007

Psychos and Moronic Laws

The HORROR...30 innocents gunned down at Virginia Tech.

I can already hear the the calls for newer and stricter gun control laws now...but wait, I believe that as a "school zone", the possession/use of a firearm on the campus was ALREADY illegal? Sure stopped that psychopath from killing those 30 innocents, didn't it?

"Let the Police handle it"....note the first sentence in the story :TWO HOURS elapsed between the first casualties in the dorm and the last victims in the classroom ACROSS CAMPUS. TWO HOURS, GREAT work guys, had to wait on that special order of doughnuts to be baked before you responded to a "shots fired" call? Oh, yeah, they did send out an E-mail, warning students to stay indoors at around the same time that the second round of shootings was beginning.

Just imagine...had at least one student or R.A. in the Johnston Dorm been armed; the outcome could have been very different, say maybe "only" three dead (including the Perp) instead of 31; still a tragedy, yes, but on a far smaller scale.

The Sarah Brady's of the world always declaim concealed carry and general ownership of weapons as a "recipe for a bloodbath", with the blood flowing in the streets, well Sarah, your school property carry prohibition literally did make for blood flowing in the streets....and the dorm....and the classroom. And this was just one deranged murderer, imagine what a dedicated squad of suicide Islamofacists could have done! And lest you think that scenerio farfetched, remember that when they found that cache of terrorist computors in Iraq about a year or so ago?; the ones with the blueprints of several school building layouts?

The terrorists are thinking about how to make a Breslan style attack here in the US, we should do no less than to think about how to forestall such an event, and I believe in my heart that "civilian" assistance at the outset of any such attack could make the difference between a small casualty count and a huge one.

I hear you Sarah, you say, "what about Columbine? Access to guns caused that tragedy!"

All I can say is that in the mid-60's I carried a gun to High School on a regular basis, as did many other students, so as to avail ourselves of the R.O.T.C. firing range in the basement after school. No one panicked at the sight of a 16 or 17 year old walking into school with a .22 slung over his shoulder. (even though possesion of a firearm by a minor was and is technically illegal)

We never had a SINGLE incident of abuse of a weapon in the four years I attended that school...we would never have THOUGHT of firing at our fellow classmates or teachers..well maybe the teachers, but hell, we would have been afraid of what they might have been carrying to respond with...

We knew the possible deadliness of our weapons and we respected it, too bad the children of today don't. They seem to view weapons as a game toy, with the scene to be reset at the end of the carnage, and only ketchup spots on the floor to signify injuries. And why not? The Sarah Brady's of the world have precluded many wimpified parents from passing down their knowledge of firearms, lest they be branded as bloodthirsty child abusers.
The only experience that the kids get is in ultra-violent video games, where they can be blown up or receive multiple high power ammunition wounds and lose in a battle yet still live to fight another day.

We need to rethink the entire gun control scene and go back to our roots, where we were not only allowed to provide for our own self defense, but were EXPECTED to provide for that defense. That is one of the reasons behind the 2nd Amendment; our Founding Fathers were some pretty wise men; certainly they were far ahead of their time.

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Update: The Emperor says it better than I ever could, in his own unbounded style, do yourself a favor and go read it.

Posted by Delftsman3 at April 16, 2007 03:37 PM | TrackBack

couldnt have said it better big bro

Posted by: biglilsis at April 17, 2007 08:05 AM

Spot on assessment. I see it as a Sheep or Sheepdog situation? in the world of today you have to make a choice. Take three and die or fight back. Unfortunately I see our little PC world heading towards a Beslan / Montreal(Ecole Polytechnic) / Columbine / New York Subway / VT / etc.. over and over again.

How our "progressive utopian thinkers" believe that removing legally registered guns from the population will remove the threat is mind boggling. Ask the Brits/Aussies & Canucks if violent crime is less violent since they told the law abiding citizens to give up their weapons. Nope, it is worse. The bad guys break laws as a matter of living. Seems they failed to obey the law and turn in their stuff. What I think the PC crowd needs to remember is Flight 93. Those citizens had a choice to make. They fought and saved many lives only to lose their own. The key on Flight 93 was, fighting back.

To a sociopath a herd of unarmed sheep is a target rich environment. Just make the decision and pick your targets. Seeing a sign that says "Gun Free Zone" is in fact saying "shoot sheep here." The progressives think gun control will work, I have serious doubts. Unless each campus has fully armed security guards on each floor, in every building, it will happen again. Can a the public coffers afford having round the clock security at every place more than 2 people gather? That's what it will take. No, unfortunately it will happen again and again. I can assure you of that since the MSM is running the nuts videos and diatribe on TV. The nut got what he wanted, attention & fame. Other nuts will come out the woodwork and do the same. This guy will be a Anti Hero in todays subculture.

Speaking of the MSM, I have tried my best to avoid watching the mindless talking heads during this tragedy, so far so good. I have adopted a "wait till the investigation is complete attitude." The last thing I need is Brian Williams, Wolf, Katie, Shep' ,Geraldo, Nancy Grace or any of the pabulum spouting nitwits spouting off on my television about some innuendo as if it were facts. Journalism my ass. After the shootings in DC, Katrina and all the other farcical media coverage, I have no respect for these clowns.

OK, rant complete.

Just wanted to say, I'm glad your back up. I missed ya. Hope your health is better and your doing allright. Keep up the good work.

Tot Zine
Another American Dutchmen, Den Haag (1964).
USAF (ret)

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Several partners try to have a marriage ceremony such as the kinds they see on Tv or in bridal publications. But this can be so unrealistic that it essentially sets you up for disappointment. It is a wiser strategy to plan a wedding ceremony that puts the concentrate on the few and never on extravagant extras. This write-up can assist yous decide what exactly is vital for the marriage ceremony.

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friends or employ a wedding ceremony planner, do not try to plan the marriage ceremony all by yourself! Organizing a wedding is really a massive job for 2 people today, and can provide you with pressure that you do not need. Delegate obligations - so that you are able to remain tranquil and also have enjoyable with it!

In regards to a wedding, be sure to look at the date of one's marriage ceremony in accordance to everybody that you would like to possess go to. This can be essential simply because while it is meant to become your particular day, you need to be sure that you simply aren't triggering logistic challenges for folks that you would like to have go to but can't on account of other routine conflicts.

Should you be getting only one beautician carrying out all the make-up and hair types, it is best to make sure the bride is the final to have it carried out. Fresh make-up and hair is likely to create all the difference within the look with the bride on her big day.

It truly is effortless to forget about the fundamentals in the midst of one's significant scale wedding organizing. Aside from the essential issues like choosing a venue, deciding upon a caterer, and picking out a dress, you might also really need to be sure you have makeup, tissues, and possibly even some Advil. Building a checklist of all of the basic and modest [url=http://www.canadagoosejacket6.com/]canada goose sale[/url]
items you may have to have is often a superior strategy to be prepared.

As noted over, dream weddings exist only on tv and in bridal publications. Actual people today have actual weddings that are sometimes low important but nonetheless stunning occasions. The few should really be the middle from the wedding, not the decorations and details. By adopting the smart strategies in this write-up, you may have a beautiful wedding without an extravagant budget.

Posted by: cimiinwarce at December 10, 2011 03:32 PM

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Posted by: Alden Tonrey at December 11, 2011 02:52 PM

You may truly create a superior initial impression on absolutely everyone once you are coming into a space, when you've got on some actually gorgeous pieces of jewellery. You ought to spend shut consideration to these useful ideas and use them, to ensure that you might uncover the best way to pick jewelry.

When operating with harsh chemicals like cleansing items, undertaking laundry, or taking a shower you need to constantly get rid of your jewellery. To clean your jewellery you'll want to use warm water which has a gentle soap, rinse it off, then polish your jewellery by using a jewellery polish and dry just before placing it again into storage.

In regards to exhibiting off your individuality via jewellery, more often than not you'll be able to generate a more substantial assertion with less. Pick out daring, remarkable items, but limit yourself to wearing one or two at a time. A subtle pair of chandelier earrings can set off an outfit on it really is [url=http://www.ugg-tall-boots.com/]UGG Boots Sale[/url]
very own, and occasionally a flashy cocktail ring is definitely the only glitz you need to draw awareness.

You shouldn't use your jewelry should you strategy on going for your swim or in the event you method on likely in another human body of water that will contain harsh substances. These sorts of factors could cause your jewellery to age a lot extra rapidly. Secure your jewelry and be conscientious.

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very good jewellery or heirloom jewellery whose worth you must secure via insurance policies, it's wise to consider fantastic pictures of these items and also to have an appraisal performed by a professional. Ensure that the photos you are taking are very good, top quality types. Utilizing a flash when using these photos will not likely bring about fantastic photographs of your respective jewellery. It's best to capture an image of the cherished jewelry less than comfortable, diffused fluorescent bulbs.

To add the proper quantity of flair to any outfit only create an individual assertion piece of jewelry. Whether it be considered a large ring, some bold earrings, a thick bracelet, or possibly a chunky necklace, incorporating a press release piece to any outfit won't only deliver it from the regular but will likely ensure it is extra 'you'. On top of that, an announcement piece is certain to make a great conversation starter in any event.

Posted by: cimiinwarce at December 12, 2011 06:21 AM

Are you currently certainly one of those individuals who can't cook to save your life? Have you burned water or spilled an entire carton of milk? Don't worry -- cooking is simple, and this post is here to show you how! Read on to find out straightforward strategies to help you cook greater!

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a lot of the green color since the chlorophyll in them will leech into the water.

Freeze overripe bananas. You don't must throw out brown bananas. If they're overripe before you can eat them, just freeze them for later. Overripe bananas are still fantastic for smoothies. You'll be able to even use them as an ingredient in baked goods like banana bread or muffins.

Shop your home-baked goodies and leftovers that will need refrigeration in square or rectangular-shaped storage containers. Round containers are great, but take up precious refrigerator space while square and rectangular containers make probably the most from the limited shelf space. Rectangular storage containers also are much easier to stack and store and save on space within your cupboards too.

As you may see, cooking is not so tough as you might have produced it out to be. So long as you stick with simple recipes and follow the basic recommendations laid out in this write-up, you are going to be cooking like a pro and saving oneself money on food in no time.
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enjoy it additional can strengthen the top quality of life for you and your loved ones. Read this write-up for some neat suggestions that cooks of all knowledge levels can use.

Posted by: cimiinwarce at December 13, 2011 04:35 AM

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to create a great travel strategy, it truly does spend off. You may have saved plenty of money by planning out items like transportation, to ensure that you could take pleasure in your holiday having a small added cash in your pocket. Like with any strategy, it is possible to always increase and boost. Beneath are some ideas to help.

When it arrives time to suit your needs to begin organizing a trip, you may wonder exactly where to start. There are numerous factors to think about prior to you truly go around the journey. The recommendations in this write-up can supply you with what you will need to know to properly strategy for your next touring experience.

A common error that quite a few travelers make on holiday is doing too much. Vacations are about soothing and finding away from the rush with the everyday globe. Organizing events that encompass most hrs with the day will leave you sensation rushed, stressed and weary while in your trip. Quit and take it easy for a couple of hours every day to decompress.

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overseas, you might need to seek advice from a wellness practitioner about what vaccinations are advised. Distinct locations of the globe have distinctive illnesses and you constantly choose to be ready for what that you are strolling into. There are plenty of vaccinations on the market that can preserve you safe.

Attempt employing the roll method for packing clothes into your bags for your journeys. This generally saves extra area and time than with usually folding the clothing. You'll be able to even match more clothes within your bag in this way. By rolling the clothes up in tissue paper, you can also stop them from obtaining as well lots of wrinkles.

Posted by: cimiinwarce at December 13, 2011 01:20 PM

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Posted by: pearryDup at December 14, 2011 03:17 AM

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One thing I have actually noticed is that often there are plenty of beliefs regarding the lenders intentions any time talking about foreclosure. One myth in particular is the fact the bank prefers to have your house. Your banker wants your hard earned dollars, not your property. They want the money they gave you having interest. Keeping away from the bank will undoubtedly draw a new foreclosed summary. Thanks for your publication.

Thanks for discussing your ideas with this blog. As well, a delusion regarding the finance institutions intentions if talking about home foreclosure is that the bank will not getreceive my repayments. There is a certain amount of time that this bank can take payments from time to time. If you are far too deep within the hole, they will commonly require that you pay the particular payment fully. However, i am not saying that they will not take any sort of installments at all. In the event you and the standard bank can have the ability to work anything out, the particular foreclosure method may end. However, should you continue to miss out on payments wih the new plan, the property foreclosure process can pick up from where it left off.

It's my opinion that a property foreclosures can have a significant effect on the borrower's life. Home foreclosures can have a 8 to several years negative influence on a client's credit report. A borrower having applied for home financing or any loans for that matter, knows that a worse credit rating will be, the more complicated it is to acquire a decent [url=http://www.newbelstaff-jackets.com/]Belstaff Jackets[/url] financial loan. In addition, it could affect a borrower's ability to find a really good place to lease or rent, if that becomes the alternative homes solution. Interesting blog post.

In accordance with my research, after a property foreclosure home is sold at a sale, it is common for that borrower to still have a remaining balance on the loan. There are many financial institutions who aim to have all fees and liens paid by the following buyer. Even so, depending on specific programs, polices, and state laws and regulations there may be some loans that aren't easily [url=http://www.newbelstaff-jackets.com/]Belstaff Trialmaster[/url] handled through the transfer of loans. Therefore, the duty still lies on the debtor that has had his or her property in foreclosure. Many thanks sharing your thinking on this blog site.

Posted by: assilahiemy at December 14, 2011 05:42 AM

At one time, beauty strategies had been of issue only to women of a particular age. Currently although, women - and males - of all ages are realizing the value of assistance in this location. Following all, searching good is about lots much more than lucky genetics. A little work expended on recommendations like these may have large outcomes:

Utilize a gel or creme blush as an alternative to powder. This sort of blush provides [url=http://www.thelouis-vuitton-outlet.com/]Louis Vuitton Outlet[/url]
the skin a glowing and healthful appear. Gel and creme blushes are more transparent and mix more evenly than common powder blush. You need to rub this blush on your cheeks and blend upwards for any flawless complete.

To give far more definition for your eyes utilize mascara. When you only have several min's, you are able to utilize mascara to focus on your eyes, and appear like you've got expended much more time than you definitely have receiving ready. Incorporating eye colour will only get some moments, and truly completes your look.

Baking soda is your beauty pal. Baking soda is 1 of those products which you need to normally have on hand. For elegance you'll be able to utilize it to create your shampoo perform better, whiten your teeth, and remedy the pain of sunburn. All of this from one box that barely costs a dollar.

Use cocoa butter on stretchmarks and scars. Cocoa butter is a elegance therapy with roots in historical occasions. It has extended been recognized to normalize skin-tone, and to make the skin more resilient. Cocoa butter includes a modest price-tag, and is out there almost anyplace it is possible to invest in lotions or lotions.

Elegance is about extra than the all-natural luck from the draw. It can be enhanced greatly with some operate. Putting in effort in improving one's appearance is usually highly effective if that work is guided by sensible assistance. Hopefully the suggestions introduced right here can aid maximize the outcomes of time and effort put in on elegance.

Posted by: cimiinwarce at December 15, 2011 06:48 AM

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Posted by: Auto accessories at December 15, 2011 06:50 AM

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No, I am not kidding. When you [url=http://www.uggsboottall.com]ugg boots cardy grey[/url]
make a decision on to not devote money actual UGG boots, you receive the possibility of triggering considerable, extensive expression hurt on your feet and back.

Head within the British School of Osteopathic Medicine, Dr Ian Drysdale, mentioned, ??Because these boots are warm and fragile, younger ladies presume they're providing their feet a break. Like a matter of truth, they are actually breaking their ft.

??Their ft are slipping all over inside. With each and every motion, the pressure falls in direction of the inside with the foot plus the feet splay. This flattens the arch and may perhaps ensure it is drop.

The result will likely be significant trouble with each other with the foot, the ankle, and ultimately, the hip.?��

The best way to Notify If Uggs Are Faux ��C Some Tips

1. The sheep fur lining around the within of of real UGG boots is produced of grade A sheepskin and it is of a beige shade. The lining of fake Uggs is synthetic, rather prickly to the touch and it is also a extra white shade.

2. You might discover the paint-like scent of producer new pretend Uggs, that?��s a result of one's dyes produced usage of to shade the artificial merchandise. Fresh authentic UGG boots are pretty a great deal odorless.

three. Genuine UGG boots may perhaps not be low priced at around $150 a pair. A fresh [url=http://www.best-ugg-canada.com/]discount ugg boots kensington[/url]
considerably a lot much less will nearly certainly be fake.

four. UGG Australia prohibit their licensed sellers from providing UGG boots on eBay as well as other on-line auctions. So, if it could be on eBay, and promises to become completely new then you?��ll locate it obtained to acquire pretend.

5. The stitching on actual Uggs is constantly pretty noticeably proper. The label on the heel is surely lifeless centre and level. Pretend Uggs won't typically adhere to their instance.

6. Eventually, you are able to find the soles of pretend Uggs are rigid in comparison to genuine Uggs. Also the soles of real Uggs are about 1/2 inch deep as when compared to 1/4 inch for fakes.

I take into account it will be a sensible pick for you personally personally to stick to my assist and advice about how 1 can inform if Uggs are faux.

Posted by: cimiinwarce at December 15, 2011 04:49 PM

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Posted by: counter strike 1.6 at December 15, 2011 06:52 PM

At one time, beauty suggestions had been of worry only to females of a particular age. These days although, females - and guys - of all ages are acknowledging the value of tips in this location. Following all, looking very good is about lots extra than lucky genetics. Slightly work expended on suggestions like these can have large results:

Utilize a gel or creme blush as opposed to powder. This type of blush gives [url=http://www.louisvuittononline.cc]Louis Vuitton Outlet[/url]
the skin a glowing and wholesome look. Gel and creme blushes are extra transparent and mix much more evenly than normal powder blush. You need to rub this blush on your cheeks and mix upwards to get a flawless end.

To provide a lot more definition to your eyes apply mascara. For those who only have a few minutes, it is possible to utilize mascara to highlight your eyes, and appear like you have invested extra time than you definitely have getting ready. Adding eye colour will only take a handful of moments, and really completes your appear.

Baking soda is your elegance friend. Baking soda is one particular of individuals merchandise which you really should constantly have available. For elegance you can utilize it to make your shampoo function improved, whiten your teeth, and remedy the discomfort of sunburn. All of this from 1 box that hardly costs a dollar.

Use cocoa butter on stretchmarks and scars. Cocoa butter is really a elegance therapy with roots in historic times. It's extended been recognized to normalize skin-tone, and to create the skin far more resilient. Cocoa butter features a small price-tag, and it is accessible nearly anyplace you'll be able to invest in lotions or lotions.

Beauty is about more compared to the all-natural luck with the draw. It could be enhanced greatly with some function. Placing in work in improving one's look may be highly productive if that work is guided by wise tips. Ideally the strategies introduced right here can support increase the results of time and work invested on beauty.

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No, I'm not kidding. After you decide on to not invest funds actual UGG boots, you receive the chance of leading to substantial, substantial expression hurt on your feet and again.

Head within the British School of Osteopathic Medicine, Dr Ian Drysdale, mentioned, ??Because these boots are heat and delicate, youthful girls presume they are providing their feet a break. Like a matter of reality, they are actually breaking their ft.

??Their ft are slipping all over within. With each and every action, the pressure falls toward the inside using the foot as well as the ft splay. This flattens the arch and may possibly allow it to be drop.

The outcome will likely be considerable trouble together with the foot, the ankle, and eventually, the hip.?��

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