A Frenchman, an American, and a Brit were all busy getting drunk in Saudi Arabia when the cops burst in. They were soon sentenced to death, but through good lawyers, the three men were able to reduce their sentence to life.
As luck would have it, it was a Saudi holiday, so the judge said, "Because it's a holiday you will each recieve 20 lashes and be let go.
It is customary to grant one wish before punishment. The Brit thinks and says, "Strap a pillow on my back." They do, but it only holds for 10 lashes.
The Frenchman sees this, and requests two pillows on his back. These only hold for 15 lashes.
The judge turns to the American and says "Because you are from such a respectable country, you get 2 wishes."
The American replies, "I wish to be flogged 100 times, not 20." The judge thinks this is very honerable and asks "And your second?"
The American answers "Strap the Frenchman to my back."
H/T to Linda S
DAMMIT, Zippo, you did it to me again. Meme's are just too contagious to blog..
Anyway, dear reader, this is the meme,if you care to play along. Go to Music Outfitters, and type in the year you graduated from high school, then click on the top 100 hits.
Put what you consider the "good" songs in bold, strike out the stinkers, and put your favorite in bold and underlined. (Yeah I KNOW, I had two favorites, so sue me! I also added to the meme by striking, bolding, and making the REAL stinkers puke green , SO THERE ZIPPO!)
Here's MY group from 1972:
1. The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face, Roberta Flack
2. Alone Again (Naturally), Gilbert O'Sullivan
3. American Pie, Don McLean
4. Without You, Nilsson
5. Candy Man, Sammy Davis Jr.
6. I Gotcha, Joe Tex
7. Lean On Me, Bill Withers
8. Baby Don't Get Hooked On Me, Mac Davis
9. Brand New Key, Melanie
10. Daddy Dont You Walk So Fast, Wayne Newton
11. Let's Stay Together, Al Green
12. Brandy (You're A Fine Girl), Looking Glass
13. Oh Girl, Chi-Lites
14. Nice To Be With You, Gallery
15. My Ding-A-Ling, Chuck Berry
16. If Loving You Is Wrong I Don't Want To Be Right, Luther Ingram
17. Heart Of Gold, Neil Young
18. Betcha By Golly, Wow, Stylistics
19. I'll Take You There, Staple Singers
20. Ben, Michael Jackson
21. The Lion Sleeps Tonight, Robert John
22. Outa-space, Billy Preston
23. Slippin' Into Darkness, War
24. Long Cool Woman (In A Black Dress), Hollies
25. How Do You Do, Mouth and MacNeal
27. Song Sung Blue, Neil Diamond
28. A Horse With No Name, America
28. Popcorn, Hot Butter
29. Everybody Plays The Fool, Main Ingredient
30. Precious And Few, Climax
31. Last Night I Didn't Get To Sleep At All, 5th Dimension
32. Nights In White Satin, Moody Blues
33. Go All The Way, Raspberries
34. Too Late To Turn Back Now, Cornelius Brothers and Sister Rose
35. Back Stabbers, O'Jays
36. Down By The Lazy River, Osmonds
37. Sunshine, Jonathan Edwards
38. Starting All Over Again, Mel and Tim
39. Day Atter Day, Badfinger
40. Rocket Man, Elton John
41. Rockin' Robin, Michael Jackson
42. Beautiful Sunday, Daniel Boone
43. Scorpio, Dennis Coffey and The Detroit Guitar Band
44. Morning Has Broken, Cat Stevens
45. The City Of New Orleans, Arlo Guthrie
46. Garden Party, Rick Nelson
47. I Can See Clearly Now, Johnny Nash
48. Burning Love, Elvis Presley
49. Clean Up Woman, Betty Wright
50. Hold Your Head Up, Argent
51. Jungle Fever, Chakachas
52. Everything I Own, Bread
53. In The Rain, Dramatics
54. Look What You Done For Me, Al Green
55. The Happiest Girl In The Whole U.S.A., Donna Fargo
56. Bang A Gong (Get It On), T. Rex
57. Mother And Child Reunion, Paul Simon
58. Where Is The Love, Roberta Flack and Donny Hathaway
59. I'm Still In Love With You, Al Green
60. Layla, Derek and The Dominos
61. Day Dreaming, Aretha Franklin
62. The Way Of Love, Cher
63. Black And White, Three Dog Night
64. Sylvia's Mother, Dr. Hook and The Medicine Show
65. Hurting Each Other, Carpenters
66. Coconut, Nilsson
68. Puppy Love, Donny Osmond
69. You Don't Mess Around With Jim, Jim Croce
70. Hot Rod Lincoln, Commander Cody and His Lost Planet Airmen
71. A Cowboy's Work Is Never Done, Sonny and Cher
72. Joy, Apollo 100
73. Anticipation, Carly Simon
74. Never Been To Spain, Three Dog Night
75. Kiss An Angel Good Morning, Charlie Pride
76. School's Out, Alice Cooper
77. Saturday In The Park, Chicago
78. Drowning In The Sea Of Love, Joe Simon
79. Use Me, Bill Withers
80. Family Affair, Sly and The Family Stone
81. Troglodyte, Jimmy Castor Bunch
82. The Witch Queen Of New Orleans, Redbone
83. Freddie's Dead, Curtis Mayfield
84. Power Of Love, Joe Simon
85. Ain't Understanding Mellow, Jerry Butler and Brenda Lee Eager
86. Taxi, Harry Chapin
87. Don't Say You Don't Rememeer, Beverly Bremers
87. Sealed With A Kiss, Bobby Vinton
88. I Saw The Light, Todd Rundgren
89. Motorcycle Mama, Sailcat
90. Day By Day, Godspell Soundtrack
91. Roundabout, Yes
92. Doctor My Eyes, Jackson Browne
93. I'd Like To Teach The World To Sing, New Seekers
94. Vincent / Castles In The Air, Don Mclean
95. Baby Let Me Take You (In My Arms), Detroit Emeralds
96. Speak To The Sky, Rick Springfield
97. I'd Like To Teach The World To Sing, Hillside Singers
98. Walking In The Rain With The One I Love, Love Unlimited
99. Good Foot, Pt. 1, James Brown
100. Pop That Thang, Isley Bros.
Well, thats MY picks. Comments?
The good Chief has spent a complete combat tour each in Afghanistan AND Iraq, and he's understandably upset by some of the antics/tactics of the anti-war crowd.
Matt goes one step furthur and reminds these patchouli soaked morons of the definition of Sedition, under which a great many of these turds would certainly qualify for a large fine or extended stay in the Greybar hotel.
Thanks a lot Zippo...just HAD to pont me to yet another stupid test, didn't you?
Still Bogart isn't a bad guy to be like....
Humphrey Bogart You scored 52% Tough, 9% Roguish, 33% Friendly, and 4% Charming! | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
You're the original man of honor, rough and tough but willing to stick your neck out when you need to, despite what you might say to the contrary. You're a complex character full of spit and vinegar, but with a soft heart and a tender streak that you try to hide. There's usually a complicated dame in the picture, someone who sees the real you behind all the tough talk and can dish it out as well as you can. You're not easy to get next to, but when you find the right partner, you're caring and loyal to a fault. A big fault. But you take it on the chin and move on, nursing your pain inside and maintaining your armor...until the next dame walks in. Or possibly the same dame, and of all the gin joints in all the world, it had to be yours. Co-stars include Ingrid Bergman and Lauren Bacall, hot chicks with problems.
August 30, 2005Yeah, she's a normal grieveing mom
Thanks Misha, for letting me NUTS!
The event they're protesting? An air show by the Navy's Blue Angels Flight Exhibition Team. ![]() The goal of the Protest? : . to protest the false god idolatry of the Blue Angels Air Show, whose "ooh-&-aah"performances have one purpose: to promote badly-lagging military recruitment Lets take these one at a time... 1. The Blue Angels are, indeed a good recruiting tool, but that is only part of their mission. They are also an example of excellence in the military, and a good public relations tool, "showing the colors" in shows all over the world. Enlisted Recruiting from Oct. 1, 2004 - July 31, 2005:
Lets look at JUNE,2005, the last month that statistics are availible for:
Active duty retention: All services met or exceeded their overall retention goals for July and are projected to meet their retention goals for the current fiscal year. Reserve forces retention: For July,2005, Army National Guard retention was 105 percent of the cumulative goal of 27,664, and Air National Guard retention was 109 percent of its cumulative goal of 8,552. Yep! It's a TOTAL MELTDOWN!, I tell ya! 2. The Blue Angels shows are payed for by the air show sponsors, NOT the tax payers. The sponsers have to come up with enough cash to pay for the food and lodging of the entire Blue Angel team plus the fuel costs for flying all of the aircraft, including Fat Albert (the team's parts and maintenance supply/ support transportation C-130 transport),to the site of the show. 3. OK, this might be a legitimate place to protest...it is a military installation, and if your of the opinion that the war is bad, a legitimate target. 4. Again, if you are anti-military; what better place to protest than a NAS, Fort, or Base? Don't be too surprised if your seen to be the loony moonbat that you are though, turnabout IS fair play. As far as protesting the NAS from providing survellience aircraft...THAT.....IS......THEIR......MILITARY.........MISSION (did I say that slow enough for them to understand?) And that survellience helps PREVENT collateral damage, NOT increase it. When you start making inane statements, EXPECT to be called a fool. 5. THIS is the looniest one of them all. IT"S a NAVAL AIR STATION, take the military function away and there will be NO jobs whatsoever. The Left:"Boosting idiocy to it's highest possible level since 1969"; it's just for Moonbats today.
That whacky SharptonSeems that Race-pimp/hate-monger Al Sharpton encountered a slight delay while returning to New York after leaving his Seems that his driver was observed weaving in and out of traffic at speeds up to 100MPH in a 65MPH zone.....when the police attempted to effect a traffic stop, the driver led the police on a 9 mile chase before being halted by a police roadblock... Al Sharpton claims that the whole incident is politically motivated; a case of "driving while Black" while leaving an anti-war protest......Riiiiiiight... August 29, 2005Viet Nam Act 2?A couple of days ago, I posited in THIS POST that the Moonbats were attempting to recreate the conditions of the Viet Nam era, wherein the populace was propagandized into an ever louder dissent of what our military was doing. I contend that this was done by a MSM with an Anti-American agenda, along with the active anti-war propaganda from the academic elite. One of my resident readers from the opposite side of the aisle commented: We arent' trying to recreate the Vietnam era but rather are trying to avoid it. Unfortunately, the Doctrine of Manifest Destiny is a hard idea to kill. Posted by Karlo at August 27, 2005 08:50 PM Well, Karlo, Here is proof of my contention that it IS happening all over again. Take note of these two comments from the story: “A woman on campus had apparently learned I might be a Marine. When I told her I was, she said, ‘You’re a disgusting human being, and I hope you rot in hell!’ ” AND “I’ve had a few conversations about [the War on Terror] in the liberal classrooms I go to everyday,” said McCormick. “A lot of the time I just look at them and tell them that they don’t have any clue what they’re talking about, because all they do is listen to liberal news. I always tell them, ‘If you don’t experience something, how in the hell can you say what will happen?’ ” Just as it was in "my day" in the early 70's, it seems that the peace-at-any cost crowd seem to be based in Academia, and all their protestations to the contrary, they despise the military and show nothing but contempt for those that answered the call to military service. As Mssrs Hall and Schweizer conclude: "The Left has adopted the mantra that it opposes the war but supports our soldiers. Those veterans visiting campuses tell a different story; the early fault lines forming on our nation’s campuses do not portend hopeful signs." "For those who profess to embrace “diversity” and champion allowing “marginalized voices” to be heard, perhaps liberal professors, administrators, and students might learn something were they open-minded enough to listen to the heroes in their midst. Then, and only then, will they correct the tragic mistakes of the Vietnam era that valued politics more than patriots." WELL SAID!
The Racism of the Anti War MovementIt's really pretty amazing what you can find just following threads around the net. I started out with a humorous story about an Arkansas farmer, and about eight twists later, somehow ended up on this excellant op-ed: By Jim Forsyth, News Radio 1200 WOAI (8/28/2005) Like most Texas reporters, I have made the pilgrimage to interview Cindy Sheehan and her anti war comrades parked in front of Crawford. One of the made-for-television signs held up behind Cindy during the news event I attended was particularly disturbing. "Iraq," read the sign held aloft by two prosperous looking white women,"is Arabic for Vietnam." By holding this sign, I presume they would favor that the Iraq war end the same way the war in Vietnam ended. I also presume that this means they would not oppose the same fate for the people of Iraq that befell the people of Vietnam and Cambodia after the end of US involvement there, which was one of the more horrible in the sorry annals of twentieth century tyranny. But in 1975, we were told by the anti war crowd that, after all, they were only Asians, they probably couldn't understand democracy anyway, and knew it wouldn't work 'for them.' Its sad to see the same attitude repeated today, that its not worth the blood of white Americans like Casey Sheehan to win freedom and democracy for 'those people,' in this case, brown skinned Arab Muslims. Even if you drink every last drop of the anti war Kool Aid, even if you are convinced that President Bush was ordered by the Chairman of Halliburton to start the Iraq war and that he intentionally lied to the American people about the existence of weapons of mass destruction, the simple fact is that today, there is demonstrably more freedom for the people of Iraq and for the people of Afghanistan, some 50 million brown skinned Muslims. Yes, there is dawdling over the drafting of an Iraqi constitution, but before April of 2003, metal shredders and rape rooms awaited any Iraqi who breathed the word 'constitution.' Yes, a brutal insurgency continues to threaten the Iraqi people, an insurgency which has killed some 25,000 Iraqi civilians since April of 2003. But Saddam Hussein, even by conservative estimates, butchered 1.5 million Iraqis during his 25 years in power (not counting the one million who died in the war he started with Iran). So Saddam and his goons killed an average of 60,000 people a year, while the insurgency has killed 25,000 in two and a half years. Despite the hand-wringing over the insurgency, the devil's arithmetic would indicate that life for the average Iraq is actually safer today than it was under Saddam. But they're brown skimmed Muslims, so not worthy of America's notice, let alone America's sacrifice. President Bush is actually the greatest liberator of Muslims in history, considering that there weren't 50 million people in the entire Middle East when Saladin beat back the Crusader hordes. But to the anti war activists, providing freedom from slavery, democratic and economic opportunity to brown skinned people isn't worth the sacrifice of white Americans. Good thing Cindy Sheehan wasn't around when Lincoln was drafting the Emancipation Proclamation. I recently watched the magnificent Don Cheadle film "Hotel Rwanda" with a group of friends, certified Bush Bashing Democrats all. After it was over, the general murmur in the room was 'why didn't America do something!' to stop the carnage in Rwanda. If Cindy Sheehan were to get her way, and President Bush would be 'impeached and tried for war crimes' over his wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, as she has demanded, the real losers will be the future citizens of Rwanda, and the other places where brutal dictators will have free reign to massacre people in large numbers, knowing that American leaders will pay too high a political price for them to get involved and 'do something.' And I don't think many of those places will be populated by white Europeans. Tour de France Scandal UpdatePARIS, France -- Lance Armstrong's record setting seventh Tour de France victory, along with his entire Tour de France legacy, may be tarnished by what could turn out to be one of the greatest sports scandals of all time. Armstrong is being quizzed by French police after three banned substances were found in his South France hotel room while on vacation after winning the 2005 Tour de France. The three substances found were toothpaste, deodorant, and soap which have been banned by French authorities for over 75 years. Armstrong's girlfriend, American rocker Sheryl Crowe, is quoted as saying "We use them every day in America, so we naturally thought they'd be ok throughout Europe." Along with these three banned substances, French authorities also physically searched Armstrong and found several other interesting items that they had never seen before, including a backbone and a testicle. Strange Quotes"If at first you don't succeed... So much for skydiving." "If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do all the rest have to drown "Monica Seles: I'd hate to be next door to her on her wedding night." "I believe in equality. Equality for everybody. No matter how stupid "Only one man in a thousand is a leader of men, the other 999 follow "Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's Last week, I stated this woman was the ugliest woman I had ever seen. I have since been visited by her sister, and now wish to withdraw that statement. The secret of a good sermon is to have a good beginning and a good ending; and to have the two as close together as possible. ================================== COP'S CAR WITH A MESSAGEThe Kane County, Illinois, Sheriff’s Department orders plain white patrol units and has the graphics applied locally. In this case, what they ordered was not quite what they got: AN APOLOGYThis letter is a bit dated,being written at the height of the Abu Grahib scandal, yet with all the clamor from the Left on "why are we there?",and "why do they hate us?"; it does provide a starting place for discussion. NOTE:Snopes has this as being "under research"...but even if it's not written by the purported person, SOMEONE wrote it, and I think it's held up quite well as an answer to the whining of the Patchouli scented crowd. If Dan Blather can use overtly fake documents and still be defended by that same crowd as bringing the word of truth to power, than the question of authorship of this fades to insignificence An apology from a Three Star Marine Corps General... This "Letter of Apology" was (purportedly) written by Lieutenant General "For good and ill, the Iraqi prisoner abuse mess will remain an issue. On the one hand, right thinking Americans will abhor the stupidity of theactions while on the other hand, political glee will take control and fashion this minor event into some modern day massacre. I humbly offer my opinion here: I am sorry that the last seven times we Americans took up arms and sacrificed the blood of our youth, it was in the defense of Muslims(Bosnia, Kosovo, Gulf War 1, Kuwait, etc.). I am sorry that no such call for an apology upon the extremists came after 9/11. I am sorry that all of the murderers on 9/11 were Islamic Arabs. I am sorry that most Arabs and Muslims have to live in squalor under savage dictatorships. I am sorry that their leaders squander their wealth. I am sorry that their governments breed hate for the US in their religious schools, mosques, and government-controlled media. I am sorry that Yassar Arafat was kicked out of every Arab country and high-jacked the Palestinian "cause." I am sorry that no other Arab country will take in or offer more than a token amount of financial help to those same Palestinians. I am sorry that the USA has to step in and be the biggest financial supporter of poverty stricken Arabs while the insanely wealthy Arabs blame the USA for all their problems. I am sorry that our own left wing, our media, and our own brainwashed masses do not understand any of this (from the misleading vocal elements of our society like radical professors, CNN and the NY TIMES). I am sorry the United Nations scammed the poor people of Iraq out of the "food for oil" money so they could get rich while the common folk suffered. I am sorry that some Arab governments pay the families of homicide bombers upon their death. I am sorry that those same bombers are brainwashed thinking they will receive 72 virgins in "paradise." I am sorry that the homicide bombers think pregnant women, babies, children, the elderly and other noncombatant civilians are legitimate targets. I am sorry that our troops die to free more Arabs from the gang rape rooms and the filling of mass graves of dissidents of their own making. I am sorry that Muslim extremists have killed more Arabs than any other group. I am sorry that foreign trained terrorists are trying to seize control of Iraq and return it to a terrorist state. I am sorry we don't drop a few dozen Daisy cutters on Fallujah. I am sorry every time terrorists hide they find a convenient "Holy Site." I am sorry they didn't apologize for driving a jet into the World Trade Center that collapsed and severely damaged Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church - one of our Holy Sites. I am sorry they didn't apologize for flight 93 and 175, the USS Cole, the embassy bombings, the murders and beheadings of Nick Berg and Daniel Pearl, etc....etc! I am sorry Michael Moore is American; he could feed a medium sized village in Africa. America will get past this latest absurdity. We will punish those responsible because that is what we do. We hang out our dirty laundry for the entire world to see. We move on. That's one of the reasons we are hated so much. We don't hide this stuff like all those Arab countries that are now demanding an apology. Deep down inside, when most Americans saw this reported in the news, we were like - so what? We lost hundreds and made fun of a few prisoners. Sure, it was wrong, sure, it dramatically hurts our cause, but until captured we were trying to kill these same prisoners. Now we're supposed to wring our hands because a few were humiliated? Our compassion is tempered with the vivid memories of our own peoplekilled, mutilated and burnt amongst a joyous crowd of celebrating Fallujahans. If you want an apology from this American, you're going to have a long wait! Chuck Pitman Lieutenant General, USMC (Ret) Reason?Cindy Sheehan, media darling of every Left-wing anti-war/anti-American group has stated that her purpose in Crawford is to Ask President Bush one simple question: "Why did my son have to die in Iraq?". Well "Mother" Sheehan, you can go home now, because I have your answer, and there is no furthur need to distract the President. WHY did Casey die? Because he was a man who understood that we HAVE to fight THIS kind of idiology: In a recent sermon by Sheik Ibrahim Mudeiris, which ran on the Palestinian Authority's official TV station: (emphasis mine) "The day will come when we will rule America. The day will come when we will rule Britain and the entire world - except for the Jews. The Jews will not enjoy a life of tranquility under our rule because they are treacherous by nature, as they have been throughout history." THAT is why Casey enlisted, REENLISTED, fought, and ended up making the ultimate sacrifice. Starvation in NigerLe Shawn Barbor has an interesting post about a problem occuring in Niger...If you are a big contributor to food aid to Africa organizations, you should read this. Le Shawn summed it up succinctly with this little gem: "Hmm…making babies with multiple women, knowing the state will feed them. Why does that sound familiar?" When you consider the amount of food/materiel/ developement loans that have poured into the African continent over the last thirty years or so, you'd THINK that there would have been some slight improvement in the average person's standard of living, wouldn't you? As an aside, while no one can be for a system of white control of a majority black country, look at the results of black takeover of government.... as one example; Rhodesia was once the breadbasket of Africa, now it's experiencing famine on a grand scale. The fact that Blacks took over isn't the problem, the problem seems to be because the Blacks that came into power are all socialists, and where socialism rears it's ugly head, misery and oppression seem to naturally follow. Add into the mix the long standing inter-tribal animosities, and you have a system that can only result in continual decline and misery. Adding foreign funds only extends the time it takes to change the system for the betterment of the people. I've sadly come to the conclusion that Kim du Toit has it right, barricade the continent, arm all the citizens, and let them fight it out among themselves. As he says, in a nutshell:(emphasis mine) "Africa has to heal itself. The West can’t help it. Nor should we. The record speaks for itself." August 28, 2005Combat FootageSubject: Actual footage of a person being shot at close range.
August 27, 2005No Connection....Do you remember Abdul Rahman Yasin? He was the bomb maker for the 1993 WTC bombing. Guess where he ran to after the bombing? It was Baghdad, where he was given a home, a car and a stipend. "I was the security officer in charge of the unit," at Salman Pak, an ex-Iraqi lieutenant general told Frontline anonymously in a November 6, 2001 interview. "This unit was under the direct supervision and control of the Iraqi Intelligence Service," he added. "And the fact that the training was concentrated on a plane made it even stranger as far as I was concerned." "This camp is specialized in exporting terrorism to the whole world," former Iraqi army captain Sabah Khodada told PBS's Frontline in an October 14, 2001 interview. Khodada worked at Salman Pak. He said that instruction there was "all for the general concept of hitting and attacking American targets and American interests." He added: "We saw people getting trained to hijack airplanes...They are even trained how to use utensils for food, like forks and knives provided in the plane...They are trained how to plant horror within the passengers by doing such actions." A map of the camp Khodada drew for Frontline closely matches satellite photos of the base, thus bolstering his story.
it's worth noting that the only time the question of an Iraq-9/11 connection has been legally tested, the verdict was affirmative. In a woefully underreported decision on May 8, 2003, Manhattan U.S. District Court Judge Harold Baer ruled in favor of two 9/11 victim families who had sued Iraq and others claiming they were culpable in the attacks. The court awarded plaintiffs $104 million based on the Baer's findings. Here, in part, is what Judge Baer had to say about the Iraq-9/11 connection: "The opinion testimony of the plaintiffs' experts is sufficient to meet plaintiffs' burden that Iraq collaborated in or supported bin Laden/al Qaeda's terrorist acts of September 11. . . "Their opinions, coupled with their qualifications as experts on this issue, provide a sufficient basis for a reasonable jury to draw inferences which could lead to the conclusion that Iraq provided material support to al Qaeda and that it did so with knowledge and intent to further al Qaeda's criminal acts." Finally, an article that appeared in a regional Iraqi newspaper in July 2001, two months before the disaster of September 11. This article, a paean to bin Laden, mentions that bin Laden 1] 'will try to bomb the Pentagon after he destroys the White House,' 2] 'is insisting very convincingly that he will strike America on the arm that is already hurting,' and 3] 'will curse the memory of Frank Sinatra every time he hears his songs.' (google Exs. 16-18, Naeem Abd Muhalhal, America, An Obsession Called Osama Bin Ladin, Al-Nasiriya, July 21, 2001) would seem to indicate that the Iraqi government was at least aware of Bin Ladens general plan...unless of course, you believe that Iraq had a free, non-governmentally vetted press...and that members of that free press somehow got Al-Quiada information and printed it in their open forum.... I did not provide any links to the information above, for one simple reason, to those that agree with me, it's preaching to the choir.
"There is no Iraqi connection to 9/11." Repeat 1000 times. Won't make you any more correct, but it will please your DNC/ACP/MoveOn masters to see that you can drone the meme loud and long enough to never engage your brain and start to question the orthadoxy of the Left when facts come up to refute you.... August 24, 2005Quote of the Day"Liberty has never come from the government.... The history of liberty is the history of the limitation of governmental power, not the increase of it." -- President Woodrow Wilson One Subject; Two ViewsAccording to the Drudge Report, the Loony Left "Peace at any Price" Anti-Mongers are stepping up their activities from using the names of dead heroes to tormenting the live ones too. Maybe the DoD should rethink their policy of disarming returning soldiers..... Seems that the Far Left is more determined than ever to recreate the Viet Nam Era. More on this as it developes. Update: Meanwhile THIS is what a true American did to express his gratitude for the sacrifices made by members of our military. Widdle Bunny Wabbit A precious little girl walks into a pet shop and Joke of the DayThis might be slightly racist, and homophobic, but most of all FUNNY. I don't write em, I just pass em along. A skinny little white guy goes into an elevator, looks up and sees
In a weak voice the little guy says, "What EXACTLY did you say to me?" The The small guy says, "Turner Brown? ... Sweet Jesus, I thought you said, "Turn August 23, 2005Pat, that's NOT HelpingPat Robertson demonstrated the height of idiocy last night when he publicly called for the assasination of Hugo Chavez. I've long called for the so called "moderate" Muslims to unequivically disavow the actions of their fringe element in public, so I think it only right and proper for me to do the same when a fringe element wild cannon cuts loose from my religious heritage. I hereby do so. LOUDLY, and publicly. While I vehemently disagree with Mr. Chavez, assasination for political change is not the course for a civilized society to follow. (Now in the same spirit as C.A.I.R., now I'll speak to my brethren in my own language: Brothers, we can't publicly say stuff like this. It's counterproductive, and even worse, it disallows "plausible deniability" when we have to resort to the dirty trick bag to prevent a serious war with our neighbors to the south.) The Guys' RulesReader Jack sent me this today in e-mail....I'd seen it before,but because of certain circumstance arising, I thought it aprapo' to post it for someone to see..
We always hear"the rules"from the female point of view... These are our rules! Please note... these are all numbered "1" ON PURPOSE! 1. Men ARE NOT mind readers. We need it up, you need it down. You don't hear us complaining about you leaving it down. Let us be clear on this one: Subtle hints do not work! Strong hints do not work! Obvious hints do not work! Just SAY it! Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for. In fact, all comments become null and void after 7 Days. If you already know best how to do it, just do it yourself. 1. ALL men see in only 16 colors, like Windows default settings. Peach, for example, is a fruit, not A color. Pumpkin is also a fruit. We have no idea what mauve is. We know you are lying, but it is just not worth the hassle.
1. If you ask a question you don't want an answer to, Expect an answer you don't want to hear.
1. You have enough clothes.
1. Thank you for reading this. Yes, I know, I have to sleep on the couch tonight;
But did you know men really don't mind that? It's like camping. Pass this to as many women as you can - to give them an even bigger laugh! Now THAT'S a Cluebatting!™Murdock Online has a post up with the response of Steven Vincent's wife to Juan Cole's online slurring of her dead husbands reputation on August 8, 2005. (4th link down on that days postings) Lisa Ramaci-Vincent's response is a prime example of how to administer a Cluebat™ to an Idiotarian's skull, and truly a wonder to behold. No hyperboly, no rant, just a recounting of facts and a well controlled widow's rage directed at the moron that kicked her soul mate when he was no longer around to defend himself. Ms. Ramaci-Vincent, I salute you and offer my meager condolences on your loss,nay, I grieve for the loss of us all, for we have loss a great voice of Truth. August 22, 2005Random QuotesLast week, I stated this woman was the ugliest woman I had ever seen. I have since been visited by her sister, and now wish to withdraw that statement. The secret of a good sermon is to have a good beginning and a good ending; and to have the two as close together as possible. Santa Claus has the right idea. Visit people only once a year. Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint. What would men be without women? Scarce, sir...mighty scarce. By all means, marry. If you get a good wife, you'll become happy; if you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher. I was married by a judge. I should have asked for a jury. My wife has a slight impediment in her speech. Every now and then she stops to breathe. The male is a domestic animal which, if treated with firmness and kindness, can be trained to do most things. I have never hated a man enough to give his diamonds back. Only Irish coffee provides in a single glass all four essential food groups: alcohol, caffeine, sugar and fat. Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first. My luck is so bad that if I bought a cemetery, people would stop dying. Money can't buy you happiness... but it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery. What's the use of happiness? It can't buy you money. I am opposed to millionaires... but it would be dangerous! to offer me the position. Until I was thirteen, I thought my name was shut up. Youth would be an ideal state if it came a little later in life. I don't feel old. I don't feel anything until noon. Then it's time for my nap. I never drink water because of the disgusting things that fish do in it. We could certainly slow the aging process down if it had to work its way Don't worry about avoiding temptation... as you grow older, it will avoid you. Maybe it's true that life begins at fifty... but everything else starts to wear out, fall out, or spread out. The cardiologist's diet: If it tastes good spit it out. By the time a man is wise enough to watch his step, he's too old to go anywhere. August 21, 2005GasolineI don't agree with whom they find at fault for outrageous gasoline prices, but the humor, and the plaint, still holds true. DU RoundsI've noticed that there have been an increasing number of those in the anti-war camp that use the canard that "we are turning Iraq into a nuclear toxic waste area" with the use of DU (depleted uranium) rounds. I was all set to try to dig up the scientific evidence pro and con on this issue when I found that Odysseus had already done the scut work, and being the lazy paleo-con I am, decided to just give a link to his excellent post on the matter. The fact that the Major has served as an artillery officer, and thus has first hand knowledge of the subject, only lends credence to his contentions. In a nutshell,by all the data, unless you receive a significant amount of imbedded shrapnel AND allow it to remain there for an extended period of time, the arguments against DU rounds is comepletely specious. August 20, 2005Islam--R.o.P.?Still believe that Islam is a "Religion of Peace", and can reform it's violent fringe? Jason Pappas has something you should read then. He does an excellant job of demonstrating that Islam just cant reform itself, when he says in a comment subsequent to this post: "..I’m not arguing that Christianity guarantees a peaceful society with tolerance and respect for individual rights. My argument aims at something more modest: that Christian doctrine and the example of Jesus are not great impediments to the option of such a peaceful society. Thus, the choice, which I hope Christians will take, of creating liberal democracy doesn’t require tremendous logical contortions and self-deception." U.N. EssayWoody, over at GM'S Corner has a link to an excellent essay on why we should have nothing to do with the U.seless N.itwits. Bruce S. Thornton lays it out better than I ever could, and Woody's comments on some excerpts are well worth reading too. Cops Say the Darndest ThingsCops say the darndest things! The following were taken off of actual "Relax, the handcuffs are tight because they're new. They'll stretch "Take your hands off the car, or I'll make your birth certificate a "If you run, you'll only go to jail tired." "Can you run faster than 1,200 feet per second? In case you didn't "So you don't know how fast you were going. I guess that means I can "Yes, Sir, you can talk to the shift supervisor, but I don't think it "Warning! You want a warning? O.K., I'm warning you not to do that "The answer to this last question will determine whether you are "Fair? You want me to be fair? Listen, fair is a place where you go "Yeah, we have a quota. Two more tickets and my wife gets a toaster "In God we trust, all others we run through NCIC." "Just how big were those two beers?" "No sir we don't have quotas anymore. We used to have quotas but now "I'm glad to hear the Chief of Police is a good personal friend of And the best one... "You didn't think we gave pretty women tickets? You're right, we Go, Grandpa!This is purported to be an actual job application that a 75 year old senior citizen F.Y.I. P.S.A.Sounds like a good thing to know. A 36 year old female had an accident several weeks ago and totaled A resident of Kilgore, Texas, she was traveling between When she explained to the highway patrolman what had happened he told But the highway patrolman told her that if the cruise control is on We all know you have little or no control over a car when The patrolman said this warning should be listed, on the driver's We tell our teenagers to set the cruise control and drive a safe speed - but we don't tell them to use the cruise control only when the pavement is dry. The only person the accident victim found, who knew this (besides the US Warships AttackedI saw this article on the events in Jordan and one thing immediatly struck me. It was this one simple line: "Both vessels left after the attack as a precaution, he said." Just WHAT message does this send to our enemy? They don't even have to damage equipment or kill any soldiers for our army to turn tail and run, thats what. I'm sure that that is not the feeling the personnel aboard those vessels Remember that it is internationally recognized that an attack on any of our military assests constitutes an act of war, yes, I recognize that Jordan was not responsible for that act, and should not be held accountable as the attacker, BUT, I truly the proper response SHOULD have been an assault on those responsible. These were WAR ships with the capability of mounting a pinpoint response, not some hapless cruise ship with helpless civilians on board. Provacative? you BET! Intrusive on Jordanian sovereignty? Undoubtably! A country is responsible for the safety of foreign vessals in their ports, whether they be military or civilian, if the host country can't do the job, then it behooves a military vessal to protect itself in the best manner possible. You may say that they did so by leaving the area, but you have to remember that actions have consequences on future events, by this action, we've declared it to be open season on all our vessels in any foreign port. There would have been diplomatic consequences of military action taking place in a non-combatant nation, but those consequences would be less than what we're faced with now. Since the vessels were there to take part in a joint US/Jordanian military exercise, it could have been excused as part of the training in joint operations. One can only hope is that Jordanian forces capture the terrorists and allow their extradition to the U.S. or Gitmo. By the information in the article, there seems to be quite a bit of intell on these Islamofacists, one wonders how they can know so much and yet not apprehend them.... JESSE JACKSON'S NEW STAFF MEMBERI KNOW that this is old news and that I WAY behind the curve on it, but I just got an e-mail from a friend reminding me of it, and since it didn't make a even minor ripple in the news curve when it happened, I thought it just might be good to remind everyone of it..... It doesn't get any better than this: Jessie Jackson added former Chicago Democrat congressman Mel Reynolds Reynolds was among the 176 criminals excused in President Clinton's last-minute forgiveness spree. Reynolds received a commutation of his This is a first in American politics: An ex-congressman who had sex with a His new job? Youth counselor. IS THIS A GREAT COUNTRY OR WHAT? Some thoughts on our whole society that occurred to me after reading this: 1. Just WHICH party do all the participants belong to? Just saying, is all, no blanket indictments of the whole party..... 2. Why did this pass under the radar of just about everyone but a few pundits; and not very vehemently even with them? 3. Considering the types of sexual PC/education being promulgated in our public schools under the ageis of the NEA, with input from such august groups such as NAMBLA and GLSEN, and considering that the NEA is one of the pet programs of a certain party....and whose national leadership, in the main, belong to that same party.... The rank and file of that party always gave President Clinton a pass during his impeachment proceedings; saying it was "private conduct" that was a matter between the parties involved (Bill, Hillery, and Monica), even though there was ample evidence that this type of behaviour was a long standing feature of President Clinton's behaviour patterns even when he was Governor of Arkansas. They didn't even seem to care too much that he committed blatent perjury in court proceedings connected to the matter. (but at least the judiciary system itself thought it serious enough to disbar him) Put all these things together, and you start to see a pattern emerge. Seems thats one reason that attacks against so called "religious fundementalists", indeed, religion in general, all seem to arise from that same party. After all, religion is about morality, and striking it from the public domain leads to a freedom to impose a non-judgemental public morality wherein almost anything can be excused, even if not condoned. I make no indictments of that party, but I would ask all the ordinary citizens out there, just what do you think of a group that welcomes under it's umbrella those that: Put all those facts into a shaker and mix well and then ask yourself if that is truly the cocktail that you wish to drink. The other party isn't blameless either, at the very least, they refused to block the nameless party in most of these matters, and heartily joined in with them on others. Now for my "solution", poor as it is. (unlike the party in question, I try not to point out problems without at least trying to propose even a weak solution to them) Disavow ties to any one party, get informed, and get involved, don't vote for the party, vote for the individual that most represents your views, and hold them accountable if they don't hold to their proclaimed course. Become informed/involved in your childs school and hold school officials to account for what they are exposing our children to. DON'T let our schools be merely State Indoctrination Centers, but return them to places of true education, where critical thinking and logic are keystones. As much as possible, refuse to participate in state largess, depend on yourself for your own needs. (again, the Fair Tax would be a large step in this direction) It will take time to change the current politcal/social climate, and progress will be measured in tiny increments, but always remember that we arrived in our present climate in tiny increments, lets keep what is good and discard that which can be shown to be counterproductive/harmful in the long term. Most importantly, to use a Biblical phrase "hate the sin, but love the sinner"; use logic to combat your idiological opposits, not hyperboly that only serves to strengthen their resolve against you. Remember always that for the most part, they are trying to do what is right by their own lights, reasoned debate can lead to a compremise that can be lived with by both sides. With the hard core radical elements of both sides, just try to show the vast majority the ultimate consequences of those idiologies, and they will fade into the obscurity they deserve. A friend accused me yesterday of "wearing rose colored glasses" when I was trying to bounce some of these same ideas off him...and perhaps he's correct, but I still have hope that if there are more idealists and dreamers like he accused me of being and fewer "we have no power to change anything" cynics like him, there still may be time to make our country achieve the noble goals set to us by our Founders. It will NEVER be perfect, but it CAN be better than it is now. August 19, 2005A little Random Humor...A lady picked up several items at a discount store. When she finally Imagine her embarrassment when the checker got on the intercom and In a business-like tone, a voice boomed back over the intercom. "DO YOU ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The train was quite crowded, so the U.S. Marine walked the entire She snorted, " Not only are you Americans rude, you are also An English gentleman sitting nearby spoke up, "Sir, you Americans ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I think this one should have given up earlier! I think there must ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Two men dressed in pilot's uniforms walk up the aisle of the airplane. *************************************************************** Prime Your Arms, the Time is SoonNOW I've heard everything! The U.S. government, through the auspices of our vaunted "Justice" system has seen fit to take property from US citizens and give it to a pair of illegal aliens... The owner of the ranch in question did committ an arguably illegal act, but given the situation at the border, I believe that he may have been justified in his actions, the subsequent forfiture of his land to the (illegal) complainants is just about five steps too far though IMHO. Not only is there now a yet another precedent against defending your curtelege, but now it's strengthened to the point of forfiture of said curtalege?!?! RCOB moment... H/T to Gutrumbles The Queering of our SchoolsGo read this if you have a strong stomach...disregard that it is from a Fundementalist, Pro-Christian site, the FACTS exposed therin shows what the true results of the ACLU agenda are. I am NOT a Fundementalist Christian, indeed, I consider myself an Agnostic with no formal religious ties, but I will take note of valid information from anyplace I find it, and the slime exposed in this article should be of concern to any citizen concerned about the direction our Republic is heading in. Here's a taste to whet your anger: Following the task force’s lead, the NEA will now struggle to expunge “heterosexism” from the consciousness of children in the classroom. The union has encouraged schools to integrate LGBT themes into curricula, instructional material, and programs; to emphasize the legitimacy of different “family structures,” including domestic partner arrangements; and to offer counseling services for students struggling with their “sexual/gender orientation.” Small wonder that GLSEN greeted the NEA task force’s report, and its endorsement by the union, with hosannas. “These powerful new recommendations signal that help is on the way for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender students and staff who experience day-to-day abuse in America’s schools,” enthused GLSEN head Jennings. Expunge Heterosexism?!?! In case you don't realize it, that encompasses about 90% of US folks. And the ACLU is involved too: WAKE UP people, learn what they are indoctrinating our children into. TAKE BACK our public schools from the NEA, ACLU, and interest groups such as NAMBLA and GLSEN. The DE-pussification of the American MaleKim du Toit has written a rant as only he can. Do yourself a favor and read it. After having read the article linked, I found myself, even more than usual, wishing that I could join Kim at the range for a little RCOB moment relief. Quote of the Day"If you don't want to work, become a reporter. Mark Twain Quote of the dayIt wasn't Levis, the Beatles and Coca Cola that defeated the Soviets, it was camoflage, cadences and C-rations."Odysseus" August 18, 2005Addition to the RollThanks to Liz at Explicitly Ambigious, I have added a new (to me) Milblogger under the Big Macho Types section. Welcome Odysseus ! He is currently serving as an officer in Iraq, and his insights are refreshing to read after all the tripe that the LSM keeps putting out. Another silly testAnd a better test:
Reaction to AppeasementAn incident of violence occurred in the midst of the Israeli "Hamas, as well as all Palestinians, are interested in seeing the Zionist settlers leave our land as soon as possible," said spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri. "But if these crimes continue, factions will not stand by silently." And of course, those on the Left here are making great sport of crowing about "Israeli aggression" in reference to this incident.. In the Paleoswinian Terror-tories, an action like what this overdistraught man did would be hailed as a "heroic part of the freedom struggle", but since he is a member of a civilized society, he will be tried,convicted,and punished for committing murder. MAYBE he can get a reduced sentence on the basis of temporary insanity due to extreme mental stress... While I do feel sorrow that these people suffered what they did at this mans hands, when I stop and consider what THEIR probable reaction would have been had the situation been reversed, given past experience, I must say that the G-A-F meter reads: Yep, as I surmised, pretty much zero. (thanks for the meter LC Fresh Sign!)
Lesson in HumilityHere's the religious explanation of the difference between Dogs and Cats: Adam and Eve said, "Lord, when we were in the garden, you walked with us every day. Now we do not see you any more. We are lonesome here, and it is difficult for us to remember how much you love us." And God said, "No problem! I will create a companion for you that will be with you forever and who will be a reflection of my love for you, so that you will love me even when you cannot see me. Regardless of how selfish or childish or unlovable you may be, this new companion will accept you as you are and will love you as I do, in spite of yourselves." And God created a new animal to be a companion for Adam and Eve. And it was a good animal. And God was pleased. And the new animal was pleased to be with Adam and Eve and he wagged his tail. And Adam said, "Lord, I have already named all the animals in the Kingdom and I cannot think of a name for this new animal." And God said, "No problem. Because I have created this new animal to be a reflection of my love for you, his name will be a reflection of my own name, and you will call him DOG." And dog lived with Adam and Eve and was a companion to them and loved them. And they were comforted. And God was pleased. And dog was content and wagged his tail. After a while, it came to pass that an angel came to the Lord and said, "Lord, Adam and Eve have become filled with pride. They strut and preen like peacocks and they believe they are worthy of adoration. Dog has indeed taught them that they are loved, but perhaps too well." And God said, "No problem! I will create for them a companion who will be with them forever and who will see them as they are. The companion will remind them of their limitations, so they will know that they are not always worthy of adoration." And God created CAT to be a companion to Adam and Eve. And cat would not obey them. And when Adam and Eve gazed into cat's eyes, they were reminded that they were not the supreme beings. And Adam and Eve learned humility. And they were greatly improved. And God was pleased. And Dog was happy.
And Cat didn't give a shit one way or the other. August 17, 20059/11 TributeNow HERE is a fitting tribute to those that were lost on 9/11. ![]() I find it apt that metal from the worst man-made disaster in US history will become part of the force being used against the authors of that disaster. To the USS New York: you have a proud mission and an obligation to fullfill it with the same honor and valor displayed by the inhabitants of your namesake. The REAL "Mother" SheehanJames Lileks has something to say about "Mother" Sheehan, and he says it as only he can. I felt pity that Cindy Sheehan was being exploited by the LSM, and as such, was a target for the more vehement elements of my own idiological compatriots, but as time passes, I have come to the stage where I believe that she is as much an exploiter as being exploited, and that such an agenda as she espouses is far too deep to be just the result of a reaction to grief. I feel for her grief, and detest her for her dishonor of her son's sacrifice by espousing FOR everything that is the antithesis of what that scrifice stood for; if that's a "chickensh*t slur" against Sheehan, so be it. Academia, still LeftAmazing what you can find roaming the net...HERE is an academic scandal of the first order, brewing not three miles away from where I live, and yet, this is the first I've heard of it. As the second link shows, it was reported in the local newspaper, but it must have been in on of the far back regions of section C, because as a daily reader, I would have thought I would have noted such a story in my past excoriations of the Ward Churchill fiasco. I urge that Gov. Daniels exercise his responsibility in overseeing a state funded institution and have an independant board look into the situation. It's gone too far for an internal board to do justice, and "protecting the Institution" is wrong when there is obvious cause to doubt the integrity of the institution. Some short term harm to IU-PUI Law Schools reputation may occur, but far less than that will be incurred at a later date; when the cancer might have grown to the point of being fatal to the Institution's very existance. This points out one of the failings of a system that has been overcome by PC; to the point where the best qualified instructors are ousted because they hold to Truth, rather than the popular Meme of the Moment. This leads to cynacism in/to the system, and in the end, the loss of true justice to us all. A Real Gold Star MotherKathy Dyer is a name we should remember every time we hear about "Mother" Sheehan. As Mrs. Dyer said at a memorial service for her son, Lance Cpl. Christopher J. Dyer, she urged mourners to not to let their anger or other feelings over his loss turn them against the U.S. fight in Iraq. "He saw this as just another way to measure himself, another test," said his father, John Dyer. "Chris didn't want to be less than the best at anything." Rest in Peace, LCpl Dyer. Your sacrifice will be remembered as it should be. Your name will not be used in a hatefilled anti-American diatribe as "Mother" Sheehan has done with her son. Too bad that the LSM will continue to showcase Cindy Sheehan, while Kathy Dyer will just continue to grieve her loss, and maintain her pride in her son, in private. I'm glad that Mrs. Dyer won't have to worry about media intrusion on her grief, but feel sickened that the rabid Left will continue to find a willing pawn in "Mother" Sheehan to furthur their sick agenda. Your son sacrificed his life for a very noble cause…No, he sacrificed himself for the most precious value in this existence; that is freedom. Go and read the entire post, it puts the war into a perspective that counters all the hate-filled diatribes of those that use the war as a means to attack their true enemy, President Bush. August 16, 2005Three bulls in a pasture The Alpha bull says, "You know, since we settled our differences and The second toughest bull says, "Yeah, well I ended up with only The youngest bull says, "I may only be half as big as you guys, but I'm Suddenly a huge, black tractor trailer pulls into the yard. The entire He weighs 3,000 pounds and has horns four feet long. As the new bull Suddenly the former Alpha bull is a bit more flexible, "Well, maybe I The second toughest bull says, "Maybe if I hide in the corner of the But the small, teenage bull is snorting, pawing the ground and shaking Worried about the reckless youngster, the two older bulls trot over to "He can HAVE my 20 cows," replies the young bull, snorting and pawing "I'm just making sure he knows I'm a BULL!" Subject: AARP GuidelinesMany of us (those over 50, WAY over 50 or hovering Despite what you may have seen on the streets, 1. A nose ring and bifocals 2. Spiked hair and bald spots 3. A pierced tongue and dentures 4. Miniskirts and support hose 5. Ankle bracelets and corn pads 6. Speedo's and cellulite 7. A belly button ring and a gall bladder 8. Unbuttoned disco shirts and a heart 10. Bikinis and liver spots 11. Short shorts and varicose veins 12. In-line skates and a walker 13. Thongs and Depends August 15, 2005Job DescriptionsCourtesy of Strange Cosmos, Job Descriptions in the Real World: A programmer is someone who solves a problem you didn't know you had in A consultant is someone who takes the watch off your wrist and tells A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining An economist is an expert who will know tomorrow why the things he A statistician is someone who is good with numbers but lacks the An actuary is someone who brings a fake bomb on a plane, because that A mathematician is a blind man in a dark room looking for a black cat A topologist is a man who doesn't know the difference between a coffee A lawyer is a person who writes a 10,000 word document and calls it a A psychologist is a man who watches everyone else when a beautiful girl A professor is one who talks in someone else's sleep. A schoolteacher is a disillusioned woman who used to think she liked A diplomat is someone who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that The BarberOne day a florist goes to a barber for a haircut. After the cut he The florist is pleased and leaves the shop. Next morning when the barber goes to open there is a thank you card and Later, a cop comes in for a haircut, and when he goes to pay his bill The cop is happy and leaves the shop. Next morning when the barber goes to open up there is a thank you card Later a Republican comes in for a haircut, and when he goes to pay his The Republican is very happy and leaves the shop. Next morning when the barber goes to open, there is a thank you card Then a Democrat comes in for a haircut, and when he goes to pay his The Democrat is very happy and leaves the shop. Next morning when the barber goes to open up, there are a dozen August 14, 2005TriviaIn the 1400's a law was set forth that a man was
Coca-Cola was originally green. It is impossible to lick your elbow. The State with the highest percentage of
The percentage of North America that is
Intelligent people have more zinc and copper
Each! king in a deck of playing cards Spades - King David Hearts - Charlemagne Diamonds - Julius Caesar
Only two people signed the Declaration
A. Their birthplace
A. Obsession
A. One thousand
Q. What is the only food that doesn't spoil? A. Honey
A. Father's Day In Shakespeare's time, mattresses were
It's where we get the phrase "mind your P's and Q's"
~~~~~~~~~~~AND FINALLY~~~~~~~~~~~~
August 13, 2005Must Read!G.O.C. in Atlanta had a troll commentor, which Denny used to good effect to put out a rant worthy of the ages on the idiocy inherant on the Liberal side of the spectrum. For the record, I find myself, as usual, in complete agreement with every point he made, The only I fault I find is the jealousy I feel of his ability to expound in such an incredibly adroit manner. August 12, 2005Saddam and Al QuaidaYep, there were no ties between Al-Quaida and Saddam...EVERYBODY KNOWS that. The 9/11 Commission said so. And when Dick Cheney was castigated and called a liar when he responded with "we don't know" when questioned about possible Saddam/Al Quaida ties in 2003. Seems that honestly not knowing at the time was a lie according to the Moonbats; after all, their leaders KNEW that there were no ties, and who can question the leaders? (as long as their statements attack Republican officials) Well, information has come to light to answer that question of ties...within the Iraqi regime's intelligence dept. documents themselves: ..."The goal of the meeting, according to the memo's author, was to discuss "the future of our relationship with him, bin Laden, and to achieve a direct meeting with him." The individual coming to Baghdad, the memo continued, may represent "a way to maintain contacts with bin Laden". Take those two sources together and I don't think that any honest person can any longer deny the link of Saddam to Terrorism, and in (at the least indirectly)posing a grave threat to the U.S. with his support of groups like Al-Quaida, Hamas, and a number of others. In looking who was steering the conclusions (of the Commission), we seem to find the architechs of the policies that led to the 9/11 disaster being the foxes guarding the henhouse. Able DangerSeems that the Rove story just may disappear as yesterday's news with the revelations that information pertaining to the 9/11 plot may have been availible in late 1999 or early 2000, in fact, information on the plot came as early as 1995, from Abdul Hakim Murad, one of the participants Bojinka bombing plotters in the Phillipines. Murad had offered to give information in exchange for a reduced sentence in the Bojinka bombing plot, but was turned down by Dietrich Snell, a federal prosecutor under Attorney General Janet Reno, who convicted Murad. Mr. Snell was attached to the 9/11 commission as a Senior Counsel/ team leader. The validity of the Commission's final report is starting to smell worse than a fish market in a 90 degree heat wave. Members of the Commission talk about the ATTA timeline and how the intelligence data didn't agree with the "established" ATTA timeline. In other words the commission started out with a conclusion on ATTA and then made the intelligence fit the desired conclusion. Looking at some of the members, you can see why....they were doing coverup to protect the Clinton 'Legacy'; indeed, were part of the malfeasence themselves (Richard Ben-Veniste, Jamie Gorelick? HELLLLLOOOO!) I think that we need a new commission to investigate the old one...in the form of a Grand Jury, perhaps. August 10, 20050 to 200 in 4 seconds or lessA couple had been debating the purchase of a new auto for weeks. He wanted a new truck. She wanted a fast little sports-like car so He would probably have settled on any beat up old truck, but "Look!" she said. I want something that goes from 0 to 200 in 4 "And my birthday is coming up. You could surprise me." For her birthday, he bought her a brand new bathroom scale. August 08, 2005R.I.P.
Peter Jennings, 67,long time anchor of ABC News lost his battle with lung cancer tonight. I did not agree with his political philosophy, but I did admire his work ethic and tenacity. He did his job to the best of his ability and according to his own conscience. I extend my deepest sympathy to his surviving family members. August 07, 2005WHY?To all those that ask WHY did my (insert military family connection here) have to die in Iraq/Afghanistan?; Mamamontezz has an answer that says it all....in a nutshell, it's because you raised your child correctly, or married a person who was raised correctly. These are people that knew that Duty, Honor, Country are more than just empty words; and that attitude comes from being raised in an environment where those words DO mean something, at least in lip service. Damien Cave of the New York Slimes asks "Where are the Heroes"? Mr Cave, the heroes are ALL those that choose to put on the uniform and put themselves in harms way, and in a sense, the parents that instilled the concepts of Duty, Honor, Country in those brave men and women. The MSM seems hellbent on undermining every effort to defend this country from the ravages of Islamofacism because they despise the man that had the courage to draw a line and actually enforce/defend that line. They decry the splinter of bias in their opponent's eye while ignoring the log in their own. I thank God every day that the majority in this country still try to adhere to the fundamental concepts that made this country great, despite the continual barrage of nuance and relativism of the Media elite, and that they elected a man that believes as they do, rather than for the candidate of prepackaged memes and failed ideas of the radical Left. I am chagrined that that man has not lived up to the full potential of that trust; he seems to have forgotten that our borders need to be made secure, not more poreous, and his aquesience in the realm of expenditures is shameful. Some ideas for Quarters...Here's some ideas for Commemorative Quarters IF they were going with "truth in advertising" Fractured Nursury RhymesMary had a little pig, MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMB JACK AND JILL Went up the hill SIMPLE SIMON met a Pie man going to the fair. HUMPTY DUMPTY sat on a wall, HEY DIDDLE, DIDDLE the cat took a piddle, GEORGIE PORGY Pudding and Pie, There was a little girl who had a little curl Truism of the DayRemember -- A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...BUT a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn...that was fun!" August 06, 2005THE LEGLESS PARROT
The parrot responds, "Well, this is very August 04, 2005Common Sense from Across the pondThe Limey Pundit has boiled down the WOT to it's essential essence in a manner that even the most stalwart practitioner of the Kool-aid drinking, PC opineing, UNreality based Moonbat Brigade can understand. Kudos to a Brit that "gets it" with a capitol G. THE PILOT AND THE MINISTERA minister dies and is waiting in line at the Pearly Gates. Ahead of him is a guy who's dressed in sunglasses, a loud shirt, leather jacket and jeans. Saint Peter addresses this cool guy, "Who are you, so that I may know whether or not to admit you to the Kingdom of Heaven?" The guy replies, "I'm Peter Pilot, retired American Airlines Pilot from Dallas." Saint Peter consults his list. He smiles and says to the pilot, "Take this silken robe and golden staff and enter the Kingdom." The pilot goes into Heaven with his robe and staff. Next it's the minister's turn. He stands erect and booms out, "I am Joseph Snow, pastor of Saint Mary's in Pasadena for the last 43 years." Saint Peter consults his list. He says to the minister, "Take this cotton robe and wooden staff and enter the Kingdom." "Just a minute," says the minister. "that man was a pilot and he gets a silken robe and golden staff, and I get only cotton and wood? How can this be?" "Up here - - we work by results," says Saint Peter, "while you preached - - people slept; while he flew - -- people prayed." Fair TaxI've written about it before, and here I go again. There is an idea for a radically different tax system for our country called the Fair Tax. It's been presented in H.R.25 for congressional debate. Now it is up to US to ensure that it gets a fair hearing. The politicians won't even let it get out of a committee hearing if WE don't tell them that this is an idea that should at get a fair debate on it's merits. The reason for this is obvious; the Fair Tax, if enacted, would strip a great deal of power out of the hands of the politicians and return it to the people. Politicians would no longer be able to manipulate the tax code to their benefit, giving large tax breaks to those in a position to contribute to their campaign war chests. It would put the people back in a position to control what they pay in taxes through their spending habits. Here is why I support the Fair Tax proposal 1. It would eleminate all hidden taxes in the goods and services we purchase, letting us make a truly informed decision about what we buy. 2. It would be a truely progressive tax; eleminating the "class war" wedge used by populist politicians to pit the various segments of our society against each other, and bring the political debate back to "is this proposed legislation truly good for our country". 3 It eliminates any taxes being paid by "the poor"; and immediatly raises their usable income by some 25%. 4. It removes the incentive of Big Business to pay for a politician to try to gain a step up on their competition. 5. It would lower the tax burden on the average family, allowing for more "stay at home parents", it would no longer be NECESSARY for both parents to work, just to be capable of paying their tax burden. 6. It would eleminate all inheritence taxes, allowing small family businesses/farms to continue past the unexpected death of their founders. 7. Most important, it would put CONTROL back in the hands of the individual and open up the dark recesses of government spending manipulation to the light. 8. It would infuse a HUGE influx of capitol into the economy, lifting it to heights that would be unheard of under our present system...think about all the money presently held in offshore tax shelters coming back and actually being used to boost the economy....not to mention the fact that it would make the U.S. the most attractive place for foreign investors to put their capitol in the world. It would have the potential of wiping out our our national debt in a matter of months. Read H.R.25 and decide for yourself. If you give it honest thought and compare it to what we are bound by today, I feel confident that you will join in and contact your representatives to tell them that the time has come for REAL tax reform. Go to Amazon.com and get the Fair Tax book that explains the proposal and it's costs/benefits in plain language. The time to act is now. August 03, 2005Humor in UniformAs a group of soldiers stood in formation at an Army base, the Drill Sergeant said, "All right! All you idiots fall out." As the rest of the squad wandered away, one soldier remained at attention. The Drill Instructor walked over until he was eye-to-eye with him, and then raised a single eyebrow. The soldier smiled and said, "Sure was a lot of 'em, huh, sir?" Round-upjust to ease back into the groove of posting easily, I've decided to start off with a quick round-up of some things that you should read to get the old thought processes going. First off, a post from the Emperor Misha of the Rottweiler Empire. As always, he gets right to the heart of the issue. I concur with him completely. Next comes this gem from my own better half, demonstrating the laziness of the MSM in covering the story. Like she says:"See how it works, people? And isn't it sad that it takes some old chick on dial-up on a busted office chair with nothing but a pig lamp for light to do this, while the journo-types get paid good money to turn out half-assed articles. And don't talk deadlines. I did this in an hour. Most deadlines are more lenient than that, unless one has been hiding in the lounge at the hotel for too long and cut themselves short." Next we have Kim du Toit's launching of something that every homeschooler should be interested in DidToday is THE resource that makes home schooling really practical and achievable for the masses. TNS of Bitter Rants has an idea for expanding the war on Terror...overloading the religious discussions of the Mullahs of the ROP by forcing them to have to issue fatwas against us all. Acidman has a list of ten things that he Just WON'T DO. they sounded like a pretty good list to me. And last, Neal Boortz has a reply for a liar reviewing his book on the Fair Tax(H.R.25). The more I look into the Fair Tax, the more I am in favor of it. Study it for yourself, and if you are as agreeable to the idea as I am, contact your representatives and tell them to back it. We need this legislation to bring sanity back to our tax system, IMO. there are flaws, as in any system, but this is the most well thought out proposal to come down the pike in many a year. Thats it for now...I know none of it is original, but I hope it does provide you some food for thought. I'll try to get something of my own up soon. Seems absence of practice has made it harder to formulate thought in a coherant format, but I'm sure that I just need to flex those underused muscles a little to get back up to my mediocre level of opining. Once again, THANK YOU to all that have remained loyal readers through the recent troubles. AT LAST!Just got the DSL connection back up and running full tilt, so I intend to get down and put up some posts and try to revive this moribund Blog. Thank you to all my readers that kept the faith and kept me going through this difficult period. Let me do a little surfing and I'l come up with some posts a little later today. "Ode to the Spell Checker"Courtesy of Strange Cosmos: |